If you are seeking to reach a deeper understanding of life and your existence, we offer Courses for you.
For two decades Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodaya has offered a huge variety of public meetings, spiritual gatherings, and life-changing events. Today, he is offering member exclusive premium Courses so that people can access deeper insight and understanding of life’s core principles.
Our latest online spiritual courses are:
Karma - What Is It? …And How To Make It Good! Online Course
You actually do create your reality - it’s true! No one else is responsible other than you. So how are you doing this, without even knowing? By (for almost all of us, unwittingly) creating the KARMAS of everyday life. How do you create the karmas of everyday life? By your choice of everyday thoughts, feelings, attitudes, decisions, actions, and ways of relating. Your conditional, worldly karma is a daisy chain: it originates with thoughts, gets experienced as feelings, and is lived out in actions. All actions break out into 3 fundamental processes, and it helps tremendously, to know what they are. Why? Because when you know what they are, you can learn how to control them, change them - and change your karma.
When you control your karma, you control your destiny!
In this convenient short course, Swami Premodaya explains how karma actually works - in practical, everyday language that allows us to implement ancient and profound knowledge directly into modern-day life. His unique insight includes the Divinely-revealed clarity of 40 years of devout spiritual life.
Secrets of the Devotional Path
Online Course
The ancient 10,000-year-old method of the Rishis (continuously, and still today) is provided, encouraged, recommended (or required) by all genuine (i.e., God-appointed) Gurus - as the truest, quickest, richest and most effective method for directly receiving the Grace transmission that generates God-consciousness, spiritual depth, permanent happiness, and eventually, enlightenment - and beyond.
In this convenient short course, Swami Premodaya explains the mystical and metaphysical actualities of spiritual devotion, devotional living, devotional worship, devotional focus, and devotional development. The practical methods for cultivating and utilizing devotional approaches are presented in depth, including the specific benefits and challenges of Guru devotion. Swami Premodaya’s unique insight includes the Divinely-revealed clarity of 40 years of devout spiritual life.
“...This course is a treasure. I am amazed at and excited about how much I am receiving from studying the materials. Thank you for putting this together!”
Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodaya is a spiritual teacher, and Western Guru in the Eastern tradition. He is known to seekers around the world for his wit and wisdom, and real effectiveness. His teachings center around self-knowledge, de-conditioning, and actualized awareness of the Divine—in a real and practical manner—which results in truly opening the heart and fully accessing the ‘love incarnate’ that resides in all beings.
Meetings with Swami Premodaya present the powerful opportunity of quickly identifying what needs to be faced—and then dealing with it—once and for all.
Visit the JewelTree homepage @ www.JewelTreeCenter.org